Our Tilted Earth: The Story Behind The Daily Patterns We See NGSS
31 Jul 2015
Imagen de NYSCI
Source: NYSCI
Resumen de la Información

Palabras clave:

direct sunlight, indirect sunlight, rotation, revolution, northern hemisphere, southern hemisphere.

Performance Expectation:

MS-ESS1-1 Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.

Tiempo estimado necesario

5-8 horas

Lesson Overview:

The goal of this lesson is to help students understand how relationships between the Earth and the sun give rise to patterns that we observe every day and throughout the year, such as the changing length of the day and the directions of shadows. This lesson also encourages students to investigate the interaction between the earth and sun and the average temperatures in both hemispheres during each season. Students will answer the driving question: Why do our shadows change throughout the day?

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