Backyard Biodiversity: Food Web NGSS
15 Jun 2015
Imagen de NYSCI
Source: NYSCI
Resumen de la Información

Palabras clave:

Energy, trophic levels, consumer (primary, secondary, tertiary), producer, decomposer, population size

Performance Expectation:

PE MS-LS2-3. Develop a model to describe the cycling of matter and the flow of energy among living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem.

Tiempo estimado necesario

1-2 horas

Related Lesson Plan:

Lesson Overview:

In this lesson students will explore the concept of matter and energy transfers within an ecosystem. Students will build on their prior knowledge of relationships between species and trophic levels. Students will design a food web model, and will continue to revise and add to it throughout the lesson. They will answer the driving question: How do energy and matter move within an ecosystem?

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