1. Blow 3-4 balloons.
2. Tie the mouths of two balloons with two threads of equal lengths.
3. Tie the mouth of other two balloons without threads.
4. Brought close to each other the two balloons having threads. (Observe result)
5. Balloons neither attract nor repel each other.
6. Rub both the balloons once in dry hair and brought near each other and observe result. (Discuss)
7. Rub other balloon (without thread) once in dry hair 2-3 times and let free the balloon in hair. The balloon does not fall. (Discuss)
8. Brought the rubbed balloon in contact to wall. The balloon does not fall. (Discuss)
Conclusion: After rubbing the balloon against your clothes, it will attract your hair and make it "fly" toward the balloon. Balloon when rubbed once in dry hair gets charged
Concept in daily life:
- While combing hairs, the comb gets electron & becomes negatively charged & attracts pieces of paper.
- Lightning is a powerful form of static electricity.