An oraganell is a tiny cellular structure that performs specific function within a cell organells are embedded within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic and prokaryatic cells. Animal cell contains, cytoplasm and protoplasm. The cytoplasm contains plasma membrane, golgi bodies, endoplasmic membrane, mytochandriya,lysosomes ,ribosomesand nucleus.
Nucleus is the most important organell in the cells. It has nucleolus, nucleus membrane,nucleus liquid,chromatin network. It transmits heritical characteristics.
Lysosoms are called suicidal bag.
Mytochandriyas are the power house of the cell. Chloroplast is a important cell organell for photosynthesis.
Ribosomes involve in protinsynthesis. The function of golgi bodies is secretion.
What did you see the microscope?
How can we see the structure of cell?
Which is power house of cell?
What are the uses of nucleus?