This is the online community for all academic institutions around the world interested in Environmental Sustainability. The public and private sector will be encouraged to be part of this online community to provide the industry relevance and mentorship for the academic institutions.
It has its origin with the 20 pilot schools involved in Project Green Insights, an IBM Corporate Citizenship project from the Centennial Grant of USD100K awarded to the Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC), to raise awareness of energy efficiency in participating schools via the IBM Smarter Planet components - instrumented, interconnected and intelligent. Volunteers from SGBC, IBM and partners contributed by supporting the energy audits of the schools, and facilitated entrepreneurship workshops. Energy dashboard on the IBM SmartCloud helped the staff and students to determine energy saving tips for their schools.
From 2013 onwards, more schools in Singapore will be invited to this online community to learn more about the project, and leverage Teachers Try Science to introduce engineering to K-12 (US) or Primary and Secondary-level schools (in Singapore and other countries). The focus of this community will be the Lesson Plans and activities involved for environmental sustainability, with support from the tertiary institutions and private sector from around the world.