Displaying 41 of 41 Strategies
Partner Contributed
oct 27 2011
Source: NYSCI
By asking good questions, teachers can further student thinking, incite student curiosity and help students learn to question and explore the world around them. Watch this video to learn more!
Partner Contributed
oct 27 2011
Source: NYSCI
KWL (what you know, what you want to know, and what you learned) is a teaching strategy that helps teachers assess student understanding and interest.
Partner Contributed
mar 21 2011
Source: NYSCI
The way you arrange the physical layout of your classroom can affect student performance. Classroom management, flow, lesson objectives and the needs of your students’ are all factors to consider.
fév 28 2012
Source: goshea
In this video, you'll explore six recommended models of collaborative teaching.
fév 11 2012
Source: jenzis4
Breaks differentiation down to three parts: content, process, and content.
fév 11 2012
Source: Gina Tesoriero
This presentation will walk you through the process of collecting student data of skill mastery to inform instruction. This is a strategy used to meet the needs of all learners in your classroom.
Partner Contributed
mar 24 2011
Source: NYSCI
Demonstrations can be a powerful way to encourage students to ask questions and engage in the inquiry process -- without using expensive materials or taking up a lot of time.
Partner Contributed
mai 26 2011
Source: NYSCI
In this video, learn innovative strategies that different teachers are using for teaching English Language Learners.
fév 29 2012
Source: shihadah1
This video gives engaging ideas for using examples from the world of fashion to add the Arts to your Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics lessons.
Partner Contributed
oct 27 2011
Source: NYSCI
Group work can be a great way for students to practice skills they will need for STEM careers, while also building their confidence, enabling peer teaching and learning and an improved final product. It also allows for authentic assessment and increased communication between teachers and students. Watch this video to learn more!
Partner Contributed
mai 26 2011
Source: NYSCI
In this video, learn how to make a rubric, a scoring guide that evaluates a student’s performance against a range of criteria rather than a single numerical score.
mar 08 2014
Source: Jessica
KWL은 what you know(당신이 아는 것), what you want to know(당신이 알고 싶은 것), what you learned(당신이 배운 것)을 토대로 학생들의 사전 지식을 알 수 있고, 학생들이 배우고자하는 것이 무엇인지를 수업 전개하기 전에 알 수 있어, 수업의 방향을 설정하는 데 큰 도움을 준다.
Partner Contributed
oct 27 2011
Source: NYSCI
Because students have different learning styles and needs, differentiated instruction allows for flexible, student-centered learning.
mar 01 2012
Source: Mitch Bleier
This video explores the use of color to maximize the information that student-made and teacher-made graphs convey.
fév 11 2012
Source: amandasolarsh
This video defines and explains three different strategies for teachers to use to help manage and hold students accountable during group work.
nov 08 2013
Source: Emilia Argote G...
La actividad está dirigida para alumnos del nivel preescolar y tiene la finalidad de lograr que cada participante ponga en juego sus conocimientos y habilidades de razonamiento para la formulación de hipótesis, para motivar la investigación y el descubrimiento de conocimientos nuevos.
Partner Contributed
juin 23 2011
Source: NYSCI
Properly graphing and charting data is an important skill for students to master, but students often miss the point of why they are creating graphs. This video explores an exercise which can be used to help students select the right style of graph depending on the type of information they need to convey.
nov 09 2013
Suma de fracciones con diferente denominador a partir de fracciones equivalentes
mar 26 2014
Source: belssw
A visual aide to organize owl pellet lesson plans.
juil 08 2013
Source: belssw
Schmahl Science Workshop
fév 24 2014
Source: Khedr Ahmed Abbas
Science for 5th primary students
déc 01 2012
Source: petrossp
Students have to do a summative project to demonstrate their mastery of the content they covered when learning about cells. I try to make it as broad as possible allowing all students to design and preesent their work in ways that both interest them and showcases their individual skills and talents.
fév 11 2012
Source: Christine Kacandes
Learning science and math vocabulary can be like learning a foreign language. This podcast contains several fun ways to help your students talk the talk.
Partner Contributed
oct 27 2011
Source: NYSCI
Utilizing current events as teachable moments can make abstract science concepts relevant and exciting to students. Watch this video to learn more!
Training of Champion Trainers_ DIET
juil 13 2014
Source: Mufeed.Ahmed@SRF
We are pleased to announce an exciting new project - Promotion of Science Education in Haryana through Innovative Practices by SRF Foundation in collaboration with State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) and IBM. This training program involves not only 84 District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) members but also 210 middle schools teachers from 21 districts of Haryana. By the end of the one year training program, we would have qualified Champion Science Trainers at DIETS and the students from the 315 schools would be able to attend innovative and interesting science lessons.
nov 09 2013
La presente actividad se desarrolló con alumnos de quinto grado de Primaria y consiste en construir modelos de torres de papel, basados en modelos reales que los niños conozcan, por ejemplo los de los centros de diversión.
nov 09 2013
La presente actividad se desarrolló con alumnos de quinto grado de Primaria y consiste en construir modelos de torres de papel, basados en modelos reales que los niños conozcan, por ejemplo los de los centros de diversión.
nov 09 2013
fév 11 2012
Source: mercado
This video will demonstrate two useful strategies for developing the academic vocabulary of English language learners.
nov 14 2012
Source: Kelishs
Teaching Strategy: Do you recall a time when you are in the midst of a discussion or lesson and you call on a student to share or respond to an question and you have provided the three to five second uninterrupted silence and yet the student states or answers, "I forgot or I don't know"? Here is a strategy that ensures students receive enough time to complete or gather their thoughts. It is called, "Give me a wiggle when you are ready."
mar 05 2014
Source: Mr. khaled shaker
Partner Contributed
juin 23 2011
Source: NYSCI
STEM is a commonly used acronym, but what does STEM actually mean? This presentation provides you with insight into what STEM is and how it can enhance teacher instruction.
fév 11 2012
Source: Jill Fonda
The acronym W.O.N.D.E.R is used to guide you through a quick and effective daily reflection routine.
Competencia de Minigolf
nov 09 2013
Source: Liliana Herrera...
개별화 수업(학습자 중심 수업)
mar 09 2014
Source: Jessica87
학생들마다 학습 방법이나 요구가 다르기 때문에 개별화된 수업이 필요하다. 이 영상은 학습자 중심 수업에 대한 것이다.
mar 08 2014
Source: Jessica
모둠 학습은 학생들이 STEM학습에서 필요한 기술들을 연습할 수 있는 좋은 환경을 제공한다. 또한 자신감을 길러지고, 동료학습을 가능하게 하며, 과제 수행 시 마지막 결과물을 더욱 향상시킬 수 있도록 한다.
모든 학생들을 성공적으로 이끌 수 있는 데이터 중심의 교실
mar 09 2014
Source: Jessica87
이 전략은 학생들의 활동 과정을 관찰하면서 올바른 지도를 위한 필요 데이터를 수집하는 방법을 알려줍니다. 안내된 방법들은 교실 안에서 학습자들에게 꼭 필요한 것들입니다. 이 방법들은 형성평가의 하나의 방법으로도 쓰일 수 있습니다.
mar 08 2014
Source: Jessica
좋은 발문 및 질문을 하는 것은 교사가 학생의 사고를 더 깊고 성숙하게 할 수 있다. 또한 학생들의 호기심을 증진시키고 학생 주변을 둘러싼 세계에 대한 질문을 던질 수 있는 기회를 마련해준다.
mar 08 2014
Source: Jessica
수업에 활용가능한 최근 일어나는 일은 추상적인 과학개념을 학생들에게 흥미롭고 의미있게 다가가게 할 수 있다.
평가 기준표 만드는 법
mar 09 2014
Source: Jessica87
이 영상에는 어떻게 평가 기준표를 만들어야 하는지, 학생들의 수행능력을 어떻게 하나의 점수로 나타낼 수 있는 지, 안내가 되어 있습니다.
avr 05 2014
Source: SHIM
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