Day 1
Step 1: Pre-lesson discussion- Post the following question on the board and have students respond
“If an alien’s spaceship were all of a sudden to crash into the middle of NYC, what would the alien need to survive? Make a list of as many different things as you can think of (but come with at least three different things).
Elicit student answers and post their answers under “ALIEN NYC SURVIVAL GUIDE”
Step 2: Mini Lecture- Introduce students to the following terms using a Smartboard Presentation and make connections to their Do Now Responses. (10 mins)
Climate vs. weather
Step 3: Main Activity: Biome Trek Survival (15 minutes
A) Divide class into 12 different groups with a pack of a Biome Trek Supply Cards and a Earth Biomes Chart
B) Assign each group one of the following biomes: Tropical Rainforest (winter) Tropic Rainforest (summer) Desert (winter), Desert (summer), Grassland (summer), Grassland (winter), Deciduous Forest (winter), Deciduous Forest (summer) Coniferous Forest (winter) and Coniferous Forest (summer), Arctic Tundra (winter), Arctic Tundra (summer)
C) Give groups about 5 minutes to debate, which 10 items they would need to survive in their biome during their assigned time of year and record results.
D) Have each group share their results and debate whether their group would survive or not given the supplies they decided to bring with them.
Step 4: Reflection- Have the students answer the following questions on an exit slip. (5 minutes).
1. How did the climate of your biome determine what items your group decided to bring?
2. Since plants and animals are unable to buy these items at stores, list two adaptations you can infer that plants and animals in your assigned biome have in order to survive.
Day 2/3- Biome Research
Step 1: Pre-lesson discussion- Post the following question on the board and have students respond.
“What type of biome do you think we live in? Describe our climate and the types of plants and animals we can find where we are living.”
Elicit student responses
Step 2: Biome Research
Break students up into 6 different heterogeneous groups and assign each group one of the following biomes.
Tropical Rainforest
Deciduous Forest
Coniferous Forest
Arctic Tundra
Each group will receive a laptop with internet and a reference packet on their biome to fill out their Biome Adaptation Sheet and to create a PowerPoint on their biome (focusing on how plants adapt to live in their biome). Students will follow the Biome PowerPoint Assignment and Rubric Sheet.
Day 4- Effects of Global Warming
Step 1: Pre-lesson discussion- Post the following question on the board and have students respond.
“Define what global warming is in your own words. How do you think it might affect your biome.”
Elicit student responses and make a list of entitled “The Effects of Global Warming”.
Step 2- Climate Change Video
Watch the following video A Way Forward: Facing Climate Change and have students take notes on the impacts of global warming.
Have students share out answers and add to the class list, “The Effects of Global Warming”. Guide students to make this type of list.
Excessive Rainfall/Storms/Flooding
Decrease or increase in temperature
Sea-level rise
Beach erosion
Threats to biodiversity
Step 3- Biome Precipitation Sheet
Have students make a bar graph of the levels of rainfall in all of the biomes.
Step 4- Reflection
Have students answer the following questions in their group.
1. After reviewing your biome precipitation sheet, how do you think global warming will impact the rainfall of your assigned biomes?
2. Which biomes will receive more rainfall? Which do you think will receive less? Explain your answer choices.
3. How do you think changes in the amount of rainfall will affect plants in your biome? How can they adapt?
Day 5- Design a Species
Step 1: Pre-lesson discussion- Post the following question on the board and have students respond.
Review the class list from yesterday on the Effects of Global Warming. Which problems do you think will affect the plants in your biome the most? Explain why in complete sentences.
Step 2: Design a New Plant Species
In their groups students will design a new plant species that they believe will be able to survive in their biome and to adapt to the future effects of global warming. Students will fill out their Design a New Plant Survivor Species Sheet and draw and label their new plant on poster paper.
Day 6- Presenting New Survivor Species
Step 1: Pre-lesson discussion- Post the following question on the board and have students respond.
“How hard or easy was it for you and your group to design a new plant species that could survive global warming? How hard or easy do you think it will be for plants to do this in real life? Explain your answers in complete sentences.
Step 2: Group Presentations
Each group will present their Biome PowerPoints and their newly designed Survivor Species.
Other groups will fill out their Biome Presentation Evaluation Sheet