
Trash Talkin'
Sep 09 2011
TeachEngineeringDigitalLibrary's picture
Source: TeachEngineerin...
Summary Information


trash, garbage, solid waste, recyclable, non-recyclable, recycle, reusable, dump


Earth Science

Workplace Skills: 

Raising Questions
Problem Solving
Secondary Research
Use of Data
Recording & Reporting

Estimated Time Required:

1-2 hours

Target Grade (Ages):

Grade 5 (Ages 10-11)

Diversity Indicators:

All learners

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Interesting Lesson

ElizMul07's picture

This is a great idea! I have found that most students have no idea just how much trash they go through on a daily basis. They do not care very much about it and some still throw their litter on the ground no matter how many times I have told them not to, which drives me Nuts!!! A lesson like this shows them just how much they are going through and all the different types of trash that they go through as well as the effect it has on the environment.
The Talkin' trash worksheet activity is a clear way to show the data that has been collected and to then help them to analyze that data.
This is a great STEM lesson as it is very hands on and incorporates each element of STEM in some way. I think students would have fun collecting the garbage throughout the week and they would get really into it, they will probably be surprised just how much they are going through in just 1 week. Hopefully, that will make them think twice about trash and just how much they are creating.

Interdisciplinary Connections

johannaj76's picture

I loved this lesson. I used it as a catalyst to further spark my students' interest in community service and environmental issues. Having the students complete the writing project at the end of this lesson helped to make their writing pieces more meaningful.

Persuasive Writing Assessment

jillfonda's picture

Writing across the curriculum is so important, and your persuasive writing assessment really inspires me to incorporate more writing into my chemistry curriculum. I imagine that your assessment, in particular, is very engaging for your students, and it gives them an opportunity to connect to their community using their newfound knowledge.

Recommended Reading

thegoodshep's picture

The list of recommended reading is really great. Thanks for this!

Recommended Reading

thegoodshep's picture

The list of recommended reading is really great. Thanks for this!

rubrics for the persuasive essay

Karen2012's picture

The rubrics are very clear and specific. i especially like the use of the pronoun 'i" It really focuses the student's attention to what they are doing or what they should be doing. I also like the comments section on the bottom. I wonder if it would instead be better to have that section on the right side or on the top so that the eye catches it quicker?

Persuasive Writing Rubric

thomasmcmanus's picture

Excellent literacy component. There is a need to emphasize nonfiction writing. I especially enjoyed the comment section on the rubrics.

I implemented this lesson to

Kelishs's picture

Trash Talking
I implemented this lesson to a group of fourth grade girls who had experiences with inquiry, whether it was guided or full inquiry. Overall the lesson was engaging and effective at many levels, and the objectives were met. What was effective about the lesson? The lesson's format, organization and the sequence. What was needed to enhance the lesson? Opening activator: video clip on where garbage go, an opportunity for the students to decide how to record the sorted trash, and a section or area where the students can write questions they generated as they experience the lesson. During the lesson, the students sorted trash and through discussion talked about what was recyclable and what was not. Then, they determined what could be recycled and what could be reused. At the end of the lesson, all the groups agreed that there was a need to begin a campaign of educating their peers on recycling. Tips for implementation: if your students have not have a lot of experiences weighing objects or trash using a scale, you may want to front load them with a mini-lesson on scale use and data recording. Another tip, show the students images of trash and population and what happens to animals, plants, or people when there is an abundance of trash as an activator for a turn and talk discussion point. Last tip, provide several opportunities to plan, design, and implement a recycling campaign as an extension to the lesson.

Hola es muy importante el

Janeth Castañeda CHP's picture

Hola es muy importante el cuidado del medio ambiente e ir concientizando a las nuevas generaciones , ya es una cultura, es un tema que nos compete a todos e ir educando al niño (a) referente a este tema que es muy interesante ,como aportación yo haría dinámicas de juegos al separar la basura , crear contenedores coloridos , no solamente contenedores ordinarios , se puede utilizar cartón , garrafones dándoles un toque artístico y sea mas de su agrado, muy educativa y alentadora su Unidad Pedagógica Papalote STEAM.

Hola es un tema muy

Janeth Castañeda CHP's picture
Hola es un tema muy importante fomentar esta cultura del cuidado del medio ambiente a los alumnos identificar como se clasifica cada material que se desecha, practicar un consumo responsable y concientizarlos de las consecuencias si se deja acumular la basura sin que esta sea separada, es un tema muy bien plateado, lo que si me gustaría aportar es que se `pueden implementar dinámicas para que sea mas significativo la parte artística le daría un toque diferente, no solo con contenedores ordinarios de basura , se pueden crear con diferentes materiales que se pueden reutilizar , como cajas de cartón y garrafones, gracias por compartir su Unidad Pedagógica papalote.

Me parece bastante claro como

hilda diaz's picture
Me parece bastante claro como a partir del tema de la basura, ustedes proponen como abordar temas internacionales al hablar de las consecuencias en países desarrollados y subdesarrollados. Igualmente, me resultó interesante la forma de vincular las tablas de datos para abordar las matemáticas con resultados reales y que pueden resultar de gran utilidad para concientizar a algunos alumnos de las consecuencias que crean nuestras acciones al consumir ciertos productos diariamente. Por otro lado, los videos compartidos son de gran ayuda, pues a veces nos encasillamos en la forma de trabajar ciertas actividades.

Nice lesson on environmental

JohnFarley's picture
Nice lesson on environmental problems. I hope that students will distill from these informative lessons importance of keeping environment clean as well as ways to dispose of trash that affect animals and environment negatively. Many thanks to essay writer of this lesson plan. You included in the lesson all necessary topics for discussions in class.

El tema es actual y de suma

El tema es actual y de suma importancia para atender en nuestro mundo. Me gusto mucho y me parecio muy interesante la manera de vincular diferentes disciplinas para trabajar este tema.Los alumnos sprenden haciendo y eso crea mayor impacto en sus aprendizajes.Sólo podría hacer algunas sugerencias que se podrían integrar o más bien, yo integraría con mis alumnos:
  1. No creo que guardar los residuos orgánicos dentro del aula sea una buena idea, ya que esto generaría malos olores y la creación de mosquitos. Yo buscaría un lugar dentro del jardín y con ello, al final de la semana que los chicos hagan una composta.
  2. La actividad 6: práctica ya no sería necesario separar la basura, porque durante la semana se hizo de manera habitual.
  3. Después de hacer el calculo del peso de la basura,con los materiales reciclables y reutilizables organizaría con mis alumnos un museo en dónde se exhiba ante toda la comunidad una "obra de arte" o un "invento funcional" que ayude y motive a todos a hacer los mismo: cuidar el ambiente
  4. Un invovenciente es que no todas las escuelas cuentan con un editor de periodico, esto lo sustituiría con una investigación
  5. Desgraciadamente no pude ver la rúbrica ni los enlaces de las tablas en formato PDF que se describían, lo elaboraría rúbricas de evaluación:
    • actitudinal
    • Procidamental
    • conceptual.
Gracias por compartir tan buena estrategía... Pues ¡Manos a la obra!!