a) Warm-up & introduction STORIES TOLD by ROCKS
* Fossils … an exciting world tells us about the deep past, million years ago even
before the creation of man on Earth
2- show film, after the death of an ancient marine organism. ( 5 min.)
* Look at the pictures of different fossils.
( the ppt. contains pictures of different fossils and fossils in Egypt)
1. What are these pictures of?
2. Are these all the same type of fossils? ( 5 min.)
b) Group work
- what are the fossils ? write your answer and write what questions you have
about fossils on a piece of paper.
2- Share your ideas with your group. (15 min. )
C) Discussion: - What are the fossils? What conditions promote fossilization?
- Conclusion: Fossils are traces and remains of the old living organisms that are
preserved in sedimentary rocks.
- The types of fossils, ( ppt ) ( 30 min.)
Activity: practical work, Design models of cast and mold, using shells of clam and
plaster of paris (20 min. )
D) Teacher discuses with the class the difference between mold, cast and trace.
and explains petrification
fossils crosswords (15 min. )
E. Supporting Activities:
1- iEARN learning circles
2nd prep students join iEARN learning circles, Places and Perspectives.
They share their knowledge about fossils in different locations with students
around the world in fossils project.
2- Teacher will attempt to arrange for a field trip to Geological Museum at the River Nile
bank in Zahraa El Maady, While in the fossil sections, teacher discusses with the class
what the reconstructed fossils look like.The descriptions at each exhibit should help the
class in understanding the fossil’s origins and relationship to modern organisms.
*** Geological Museum : Worksheet
** If the class is not able to go to a museum, students use the internet to Search for the
Egyptian Geological Museum and write a report about it.
- Match it
- What is a fossil?
-Circle YES if the picture shows a fossil, circle NO if the picture does not show a fossil, and
write the reason for your choice.