New Mexico: Product Lifecycle


Standards/Curriculum Information: 

4. Know that men and women of all ethnic and social backgrounds practice science and technology. (Grade: 1) [2003]

3. Observe how the environment influences some characteristics of living things (e.g., amount of sunlight required for plant growth). (Grade: 2) [2003]

1. Know that science has identified substances called pollutants that get into the environment and can be harmful to living things. (Grade: 4) [2003]

4. Describe the components of and relationships among organisms in a food chain (e.g., plants are the primary source of energy for living systems). (Grade: 4) [2003]

4. Understand that some energy travels as waves (e.g., seismic, light, sound), including: the sun as source of energy for many processes on Earth different wavelengths of sunlight (e.g., visible, ultraviolet, infrared) vibrations of matter (e.g., sound, earthquakes) different speeds through different materials. (Grade: 6) [2003]

1. Know that reproduction is a characteristic of all living things and is essential to the continuation of a species. (Grade: 7) [2003]

12. Explain how species adapt to changes in the environment or become extinct and that extinction of species is common in the history of living things. (Grade: 7) [2003]

1. Know how various forms of energy are transformed through organisms and ecosystems, including: sunlight and photosynthesis energy transformation in living systems (e.g., cellular processes changing chemical energy to heat and motion) effect of mankind's use of energy and other activities on living systems (e.g., global warming, water quality). (Grade: 7) [2003]

1. Understand how the remains of living things give us information about the history of Earth, including: layers of sedimentary rock, the fossil record, and radioactive dating showing that life has been present on Earth for more than 3.5 billion years. (Grade: 7) [2003]

1. Analyze the interrelationship between science and technology (e.g., germ theory, vaccines). (Grade: 8) [2003]

2. Understand how advances in technology enable further advances in science (e.g., microscopes and cellular structure; telescopes and understanding of the universe). (Grades 9 - 12) [2003]

7. Understand that electromagnetic waves carry energy that can be transferred when they interact with matter. (Grades 9 - 12) [2003]

5. Explain how matter and energy flow through biological systems (e.g., organisms, communities, ecosystems), and how the total amount of matter and energy is conserved but some energy is always released as heat to the environment. (Grades 9 - 12) [2003]

1. Know how science enables technology but also constrains it, and recognize the difference between real technology and science fiction (e.g., rockets vs. antigravity machines; nuclear reactors vs. perpetual-motion machines; medical X-rays vs. Star-Trek tricorders). (Grades 9 - 12) [2003]

7. Describe how human activities have affected ozone in the upper atmosphere and how it affects health and the environment. (Grades 9 - 12) [2003]

1. Explain how matter is transferred from one organism to another and between organisms and their environment (e.g., consumption, the water cycle, the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle). (Grade: 7) [2003]

3. Identify characteristics of radioactivity, including: decay in time of some elements to others release of energy damage to cells. (Grade: 7) [2003]

2. Describe how energy flows through ecosystems (e.g., sunlight, green plants, food for animals). (Grade: 8) [2003]

1. Know that energy exists in many forms and that when energy is transformed some energy is usually converted to heat. (Grade: 8) [2003]

Standard/Curriculum Type: