130.42 (20) (A-D) The student uses computer operations applications. The student is expected to:
(A) Manage computer operations;
(B) Apply basic commands of operating system software;
(C) Employ desktop operating skills’
(D) Manage file storage
130.46 (5) The student applies the concept and skills of the profession to simulated or actual work situations. The student is expected to:
(A) Use problem solving skills to analyze a situation to identify a problem to be solved.
(C) Strive for accuracy and precision.
(D) Work independently.
(F) Research an architectural project;
(6) The student applies the concepts and skills of the profession to simulated or actual work situations.
(B) Construct points, lines and other geometric forms using accepted computer-aided design methods.
(C) Use a computer system to create and modify architectural drawings.