Welcome to VASCSC-TTS-Gujarat



Welcome to VASCSC-TTS-Gujarat. From the group page, you can join the group, contact the group creator, view new members, and start or reply to discussions. We look forward to your participating!

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Re: Welcome to VASCSC-TTS-Gujarat

vascsc-tts-guj's picture

Hello everybody!

Welocme to VASCSC-TTS-Gujarat

As you all know that, Vikram A Sarabhai Community Science Centre conducted a 2-day workshops on hands-on approaches in Science and Mathematics education for upper primary teachers across 20 districts of Gujarat, during July 2014 to January 2015 with the help of respective District Institute of Education and Training center. This workshop was supported by IBM's Teachers Try Science.
We would like to thank all of you for participating in the workshop.The success of these workshops would not have been possible without your support.
With the help of this group we would be able to keep in touch with the teachers, DIET, and VASCSC resource persons.
We would request all of you to become a member of this group so that we can share ideas,activities and solve queries related to Science and Maths.
Thanks and regards,
STEM Training for Teachers on Hands-on Approaches in Science and Mathematics Education

