Teachers TryScience; New York Hall of Science, TeachEngineering Digital Library ve IBM Corporation'ın iş birliği ile hazırlanmıştır.
Bu web sitesinin oluşturulmasına sağladıkları değerli katkılar nedeniyle Teachers TryScience Danışma Komitesine minnettarız. Danışma Komitemiz aşağıda belirtilen kuruluşlardan oluşmaktadır:
- Texas Regional Collaboratives
- MyScience
- Columbia University Fu Foundation School of Engineering & Applied Science
- New Jersey Chamber of Commerce Foundation
- King’s College London
Integrated STEM Lessons
Teachers TryScience was developed to bring best practices in design-based learning to your school. Design-based learning gives you the flexibility to facilitate and enable students to synthesize skills from a variety of disciplines and integrate them into learning activities. For example, to solve a problem in environmental science, students might need to employ physics, chemistry and earth science concepts and skills. Design-based learning goes further in challenging students to engineer solutions through their knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) disciplines.
As you look at how each of the lessons in Teachers TryScience is correlated to standards and curricula think about the notion of STEM integration and how this interdisciplinary approach to learning can benefit the creative, critical thinking and problem-solving skills of your students. A STEM integrated lesson will: stimulate critical thinking and apply inquiry skills; apply mathematical and technological solutions to engineering problems; may apply science concepts from more than one science discipline; recognize that more than one approach to problem solving may be valid; may require alternative measures of assessment; recognize that different students approach a problem or topic from different entry points; recognize that prior knowledge may determine the approach the student takes to the problem; and that sometimes the research question simply generates many more questions.